Centro Português de Serigrafia (Portuguese Silkscreen Centre) was born with the noblest of purposes: to give Portuguese art aficionados the chance to own and enjoy top notch works. And it pays off to be a CPS associate, with first hand access to exclusive content and a lot more benefits.
The dialogue between CPS and contemporary artists creates some outstanding pieces while valuing and growing the visual arts in Portugal. Since their first edition in 1985 with Manuel Cargaleiro, it has produced works of Portuguese artists such as Paula Rego and Cruzeiro Seixas, but also from international artists like Gordillo or Peter Klasen. It’s a permanent production of silkscreen, lithography, engraving and more recently, digital printing.
It’s not just about selling the most remarkable editions, it’s also about how they are created. After all, CPS has produced more than 1.500 editions of about 450 authors and that makes it a living environment with a unique place in the Portuguese art scene.
To celebrate its 30 year anniversary, CPS is also curating the upcoming touring group exhibition 1/81, with a first presentation at the Coa Museum in Portugal.

Aujourd'hui exclusive.